Asian European Arbitration Centre

Become an ASEAC Arbitrator

Any lawyer or attorney working in the field of international arbitration with experience in Asia related matters may become a potential ASEAC Arbitrator listed on the List of Arbitrators.


ASEAC arbitrators must have been admitted for at least eight years to a Bar or practice as a Professor of law in an appropriate/relevant area of law.

Since Chinese law excludes lawyers with less experience than eight years of practice to become arbitrators, only lawyers or attorneys who are admitted to practice for such a time period are eligible.

It is expected that lawyers who apply to enrol on the List of Arbitrators are or become a member of the Asian European Arbitration Association (ASEAA) which funds ASEAC. The membership fees are moderate but help to make the ASEAC project possible.

Admission process

The Advisory Board of ASEAC will decide on additions to the List of arbitrators. The request shall be made using the Application Form for becoming a member of ASEAA and the Arbitrator Listing Form. Requests for being listed in the List of Arbitrators may be addressed to ASEAC. The contact details are entailed in the listing form.

The prospective arbitrator will be informed about the decision taken on the application and, if successful, his or her curriculum vitae as indicated in the Arbitrator Listing Form including a photograph and contact details will be published on the ASEAC website.

Every ASEAC Arbitrator should regularly update his or her own data as this information is the basis for a choice as arbitrator.


For further information please contact ASEAC as provided for in the contact details for arbitrators.